Book Review: The Subtle art of not giving a f*ck


                         The subtle art of not giving a fuck is a book written by Mark Manson. Mark is a star blogger who has about 2 million readers. This book is the first book written by him.
He tells us that the good values are created through pain also that pain is the part of the process.

12. Best points from the Subtle art of not giving a fuck

1. Desire for a positive experience is a negative experience and desire for a negative experience is a positive experience

2. Happiness comes from solving problems. To be happy we need something to solve. Happiness is a constant work in progress, because solving problems is a constant work in progress

3. Solution of a negative experience is the acceptance of it not the avoidance of it.

4. There is no such thing called as personal problem. If you've got a problem chances are millions of others people have had it in the past, have it now and they are going to have it in the future.

5. If everyone were extraordinary then by definition no one would be extraordinary in the world. But our environment only broadcasts about the extraordinary people

6. Well, many people don't accept mediocrity. If you accept it then you can think 🤔 how to avoid this mediocrity. 

7. Now you think how to avoid mediocrity these are the things that I learnt from this book
Your actions actually don't matter that much in the grand scheme of the things and the vast majority of your life will be boring and not noteworthy and that's okay.

8. He also tells us to question about our own thoughts and beliefs and also he Tell us to about our own metric and our values. Is your value and metric is right??

9. Self improvement is all about prioritising better values, choosing better things to care about, bcoz when u care you get better problems.
Better problems will give you a better life.

10. He also tells us the you  are responsible for every thing that happens to you.

11. Accepting responsibility is the first step to solve the problems. Just start a metric that assess your values such as honesty and acceptance.

12. Questioning ourselves and doubting our own thoughts and beliefs is one of the hardest things to develop. As I said in point ☝️ no 9. Better problems will give you a better life.
My favourite quotes from this book

Great powers comes with great responsibility
                          Spider man movie uncle Ben.

"I' m always wrong about everything over and over again and that's why my life improves "
                                     Michael Jordan

"One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful "
                   Sigman Frued


                  In this book he talks abou the toxic positivity that ruins a person' s value and his metric. Most self help books tells us to stay positive all the time but we cannot. We should express our emotions. 



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