How does whatsapp earn money in India 2022??

Whatsapp knows everything about us like who are in my contacts, who are in my muted updates and what is my network and they also know what is my current mood.

Whatsapp has become a necessity in our daily lives. If you have a touch phone you must have whatsapp. Everybody has touch phones😂 

Whatsapp knows everything about us but do you know how does whatsapp makes money?? What is their revenue strategy??
Well, you will learn everything in this blog about whatsapp's revenue strategy.

But, before knowing about its revenue you should know how it was created.

The History

Whatsapp was created by Jan koum and Brian Acton in 2009 as a just status update application which then transformed as whatsapp 2.0 as a messaging application. We all like whatsapp because it free with no ads, having both video call and voice call facilities, sharing documents as faster as ever before and the most important reason privacy and whatsapp stated "we will not read or capture messages".

Note: Brian Acton was rejected by both Facebook and Twitter.

Whatsapp hated ads and they created this platform for the users to message instantly and their goal was to change the way we communicated and not to make billions.

First whatsapp was launched on iphone then to android and then to anyone who has a touch phone (joining with their mobile number). 

However they had to make money to pay salary to their co-workers and they had to pay their bills. So they created the paid version of the application where they charged $1 from its users and it is also free for the first year.

Mark eyes on the future

On 2014 facebook (meta) had bought whatsapp for $19 billion dollars and that time whatsapp user base was about 400 million.

20130.2 billion
20140.5 billion
20150.8 billion
20161 billion
20171.3 billion
20181.5 billion
20191.8 billion
20202 billion

Sources: Facebook, WhatsApp 

After acquisition FB introduced some really strategic plans for whatsapp's revenue model.

Whatsapp makes money in 2 ways.

1. Whatsapp for business API 

Whatsapp had introduced whatsapp business account for people doing businesses. After their launch, of whatsapp business many big companies including Netflix, uber etc. started connecting to their customers through whatsapp business account.

Whatsapp makes money by charging registered businesses for slow replies which is a great idea. Businesses are allowed to respond to messages for free upto 24 hrs but they are charged an amount per message for delayed responses. Whatsapp gives more priority to its customers because while communicating with businesses customers can expect quick replies.

2. Whatsapp pay 

Whatsapp pay is payment feature similar to G pay, and paypal. Recipients will be charged 4% for every transaction and whatsapp pay is like every money sending apps which is linked to your bank account where the money is deposited or taken from. But this service is available on only India and Brazil.

Note: Brian Acton and Jan koum left whatsapp after disagreement with Facebook over the way the app was monetized.

The Bottom Line 

Nobody clearly knows how does whatsapp makes money but in many YouTube channels and in blogs people tells that Facebook makes money through user's privacy. But there is no strong evidence to it. If you know anything about whatsapp's revenue strategy let me know in the comments section. 

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

Images: pixabay

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