The top productivity hacks of all time

 Hey friends in this blog I will tell you the top productivity hacks that will change your life ( if you implement them). Let's go into the hacks 

1. Pomodoro technique

It's a simple technique and it's quite popular among the students if you are not willing to work but the exterior  things forces you to do the task. This technique is absolutely amazing. It will drive into a flow state and by the process it will get things done. 

So how to do this technique??

1. Work on a thing for 25 minutes if you want you can also set an timer for it. 

2. After that 25 minutes of work just take a 5 minute break. This will create a flow state 💪 and it will motivate you to do the thing.

Repeat the session for 4 times  and take a 30 mins long break or a power nap 

2. Batching 

This technique had been told by Tim ferris in the "The Four Hour work week".

If you are a YouTuber and you scheduled your week like "I have to post 5 videos in this week" you can film the 5 videos in a day and post it on five different days. 

Note: It works on a lot of things but it is not a life changing productivity hack.

3. Focusing on systems

I personally learned this in the book atomic habits and I watched many YouTubers talking about it. When you see the world class athletes, authors business magnets we can see clearly that they only focus on systems and the processes that takes them towards their goal. In fact they forget about their goals, so this is the reason  why we should  use this amazing technique.

"Focus on the process not the product"

                                              Steve jobs

4. The two minute rule 

If the things you should do are less than 2 minutes you should do it rather than procrastinating it. 

For example You have to reply the messages sent by your mom but you feel like "I will do it later" you should do it in this technique the discipline matters the most. 

This rule can be used in an another way say 

For example You have to go for a run but you are not in the mood so you can use this rule "what is the first two minutes of the activity ?? 

• Washing your face 

• Tieing up your shoes, opening the door 

So you should focus on these tasks automatically you can see that you are engaged in this task.

The other 4 hacks are the simple tricks that I use in my day to day life style.

5. Don't try to remember things just write ✍️ it down in your notebook 

Our brain consumes a lot of energy when we try to remember things, so it is better to free up your mind by writing in your personal notebook 

When you write things down 

• You will remember things because you are writing things down 

• You are simultaneously maintaining a record.

6. Use your calendar 🗓️ 

Use your calendar to schedule your things say if you have to catch up with your friends on Saturday but today is Monday you don't have to store the information in your precious mind just write ✍️ it down in your calendar. This may be simple but it is life changing.

When you use your calendar

• It helps you to block your time 

• To free up your mind 

7. Having an afternoon nap 

It is one of the most efficient ways to feel more productive and get you things done and ultimately it is scientifically proven. 

You don't have to sleep 😴 for 2 - 3 hrs just 30 - 45 mins is enough. 

8. Speeding up things 

Listen to audio books or watch YouTube video on 2x or 3x speed. 

Don't speed up the important thing, if you feel the part of the video is important just slow it down. 

Note: It will be very useful only while consuming information 

The bottom line 

If you feel my posts are somehow helpful and if it had changed or guided  you to feel more productive. Just follow me and like my posts.

Signing off!!!


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