VIRTUSA- Power Developer selection process in detail


The role of power developer in Virtusa has an average package of 5.5 lakhs per annum and also upto 50k retention bonus. The interview process is moderately easy for a candidate from Computer Science Engineering background. Good programming skills and problem solving skills with deep understanding of java concepts is essential to get placed in it. 


The first round in the process of selection is the online assessment round. The total time allocated is
3 hours and 30 minutes in which you can toggle between any section and it is proctored where you are not allowed to move anywhere apart from the screen for the entire session. The pattern for 2022 is,
1. Aptitude (Easy to solve) - 10 Questions
2. Computer fundamentals - 30 Questions
3. Pseudo code                   -  10 Questions
4. Verbal communication   - 10 Questions
5. Coding                           - 4 Questions
6. Power coding                 - 3 Questions 

The aptitude round consists of basic quantitative type, logical and analytical questions. The topics to be covered are, Profit and loss, Speed and distance, Decryption, Simple interest, Ratio and Proportion, Time and work, Problems on trains.
The above all can be solved if one has basic knowledge of all aptitude topics.  

Java fundamentals are very essential to complete this section. Along with it, Database and SQL concepts will be covered. Totally, out of 30, minimum 20 questions would be from Java. 

The pseudo code section is like that of Accenture questions which is available in the web. One can use it to prepare for this section. It involves questions like fibonacci series, Multiplication of first 10 natural numbers and so on of this kind. 

In this, you will be asked to write an report and e-mail for the given scenario.
Write a report to your senior hiring department to recruit more staff for your team.

The questions will be of moderate type requiring fundamental knowledge in any programming language
(java, C, python).
1. How to add zeros at the end of the given array.
2. Sum of Even largest and odd smallest numbers in a array

This is power coding round and any answers will not be available on the web. It involves solving real time problems. 
1. Help Hithesh find his way... and some pictorial representations are provided. Proper understanding of question is essential to get through this section.

To clear round 1, one has to pass his coding test cases. At least one coding section has to be done (minimum 2 questions). 


This is the technical interview round where questions will be asked for the resume technically. If you have included programming languages in your technical skills, make sure to brush up the basics of it. Also, the interviewer will ask you to do program by opening the online compiler. 
1. How to reverse a string program
2. Fibonacci series
3. Prime number or not
4. SQL concepts
5. Database questions about sets, stacks, arrays, arrayList, Hashmaps
6. Difference between list, tuple and dictionary in python.
7. Inheritance concepts in java
8. OOPS concept all in brief

ROUND 3    

This is the basic HR interview round about the role and some tricky questions. Be ready with the self introduction and clear with the details of the resume. 

A lot of candidates will be selected in first round like around 300+ candidates. All will be attending the second round and 100 might get selected and they have the patience to interview all. In the final HR interview, only 10 will get selected. But be sure to prepare in advance if you want to get into this company. They provide great opportunity for freshers in Power BI developer.  


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