How to boost memory power for students: 5 scientifically proven ways to boost memory power

 Hey! Friends in this blog I am going to tell you 5 scientifically proven techniques to improve the memory power of the students. 

Let's go

1. Output increases your memory power 

2. Your brain 🧠 changes it shape while learning 

3. Prime your brain 

4. Make it simple 

5. Learn similar things instead of repeating 

1. Output increases your memory power

Many of us think that giving more inputs or data to our brain is a way to increase our memory power, but that's totall wrong. To increase our memory power we must recollect the inputs that were given to our brain. To do that you can close the book 📚 and recollect the ideas that were given in the book for just 30 seconds. 

By doing this you are processing the information, then you can do peer review groups. So don't forget to recollect the information. 

2. Your brain changes it shape while learning 

It's scientifically proven that our brain changes its shape while learning. The fun fact is even now you are reading this blog your brain is changing its shape. 

Just imagine a chid is filling the air in the balloon 🎈 he fills it fully and forgets to put a memory knot to it, this is the perfect anology for our learning we try to remember things but we don't connect the neurons between them [ the neurons are the memory knot ] . 

So don't try to remember things just connect the information. 

3. Prime your learning 

When you are trying to learn say  about probability instead of straightly going to the chapter and memorizing the formulas ask your teacher or your friend "what is probability"and seek the overview of the chapter or use the internet and find relevant information from Google or youtube. 

Then go and learn the stuff by doing this you are subconsciously connecting the neurons and it will be easy way to increase your memory power about the information. 

4. Make it simple 

Take notes in a simple way just you can understand what is that, you can also use your own language,add images to it. Images can form stong neural connections about the information. 

Understand how memory works 

There are two types of memory in our brain 

1. Long term memory 

2. Short term memory 

 There are 4 slots in our working memory [ shor term memory ], when you grapple with the information that were given in your text book for long amount of time by doing some techniques such as active recalling, Feynman Technique and spaced repetition for 30 days the information will store in your long term memory. 

So choosing what information should go in your long term memory is important.

5. Learn similar things instead of repeating 

Let's say you are doing a sum in algebra in basics clear out all the problems in the basics then go straight to the another level of the algebra it can be more advanced level, the goal here is not to stick with the same things and repeating it. 

The bottom line 

According the Adler 

"The one who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it doesn't know what he thinks" 

So don't forget to know what you think!!

Thanks for reading!



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