How to learn anything very fast

 Hey! friends in this blog I will tell you 5 simple ways to learn anything faster. Learning is one of the best things in the world, but learning faster is the most efficient thing we can do in our lives. 

So let's  go 

1. Start with basics 

Let's say if you're trying to learn chess ♟️ you should not focus on every coins on the chess, instead you should focus on the soldier and start practicing the moves of the soldier 🪖.

The main part of learning is that you should achieve a flow state in whatever you are learning. If you have practiced and gained the feeling of flow state in practicing with the soldier, now you can move to the another coins on the chess board. 

Think trying to acquire a skill like building a wall 🧱 what we will do??

We will first build a basement with the bricks then laying cement then laying the bricks and so, we will finally finish building a wall. Think the wall like the skill you want to acquire, the bricks that are laying in the basement are the foundation of the skill. 

2. Be curious 🧐

Imagine yourself as a child what a child will do? Ask questions about everything in the world that he sees. Be like a child and be curious about the skill that are you trying to acquire with. Ask questions and eliminate self doubt. 

We say to ourselves "Iam an engineer why should I learn finance and accounting" kill these type of questions and get into the things that attracts your attention. 

3. Find an idol 

Let's say you want to become a gym shark the first thing you want to do is find a person who is already a gym shark and learn from them, see them and get motivated, by doing these kind of things automatically you are pushing yourselves to become a guy who you dreamed of 

Once you reached a certain level of expertise create your own style and connect with the people in your field.

4. Find a partner 

Find a person who is also trying to learn the same thing which you are trying to learn. 

It is very important to find a partner who has the same mindset of yours if they are not having the same growth 📈 mindset stay away from them!!

Practice with them so they can find the mistakes in you and you can also find the flaws in them. Discuss with them, have a fun 😊 time with them.

Also read: The top productivity 🚀 hacks of all time 

5. Motivation vs Discipline 

There is a big difference between these two things. Motivation comes when you get inspired or see you idol and that's a good thing and it will get things done.

 But when you're unmotivated you have to Discipline yourself to do thing even when you're uninterested. Killing procrastination is the most efficient way to learn anything faster.

A recap 

• Start with basics

• Be curious about the skill 

• Find an idol 

• Find a partner 

• Discipline matters the most

Loved these things make sure you share it with your friends so that they can also reap benefit. 

Thanks for reading!!!!!


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