How to study well

 Hey friends in this blog I am going to tell you 7 amazing tricks to study better and become a topper. So let's go

1. Break the study sessions into small sessions 

Let's say you want to finish 3 chapters in a day and it will take 5 hours to finish the chapters, the first thing you want to do here is break your study sessions into small sessions. 

Instead of reading for 5 hours, read for 30 mins and take a break of 5 mins, in that 5 minute break you can also reward yourself by giving you a snack it can be a chocolate, a fresh juice 🥤, any kind of good reward stuff. 

By doing this, you are rewarding yourselves and thus it will give you sense of motivation to do the work.

2. Create a study space 

According to the human psychology our actions 80% belongs to the environment we live in. If you are with your friends [ who are constantly telling jokes and making funny things ] you cannot study there as you can't focus, and you are more likely to enjoy the time.

But if you are situated in a space where all the guys who are there in the room are studying you will also study, because environment is forcing you to study.

So choose a space where you can study. 

3. Study actively

Let's divide your studying into two ways 



While you are learning facts you need to memorize everything and take active notes. Use active recall technique.

But when you are learning concepts it is a easy thing, because facts will die in your brain 🧠, but concepts once it is understood it will store in the brain. So indentify which are facts and concepts in your text books.Use the Feynman Technique 

4. Take active notes 

When your teacher is taking class take notes actively, if you have any doubts ask it immediately. So you can understand it faster, explain the concept in your own words.

Highlight the important stuff 

Ask your friend some questions about the concepts 

Ask your techer to explain it, if you don't understand, don't worry what others will think off you. 

5. Teach or Summarize it to others 

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"

                                Albert Einstein 

Einstein clearly says that we should explain what we have learnt, if we can't explain we don't know what we have learnt. Teach to somebody who didn't understand the concept, create a group of friends who are interested in the concept you're learning. 

6. A technique 

S Q 3 R 

Survey - Overview before reading the chapter 📚

Question - Pointing out the  important questions after overviewing the chapter 

Read - Read the whole chapter         seriously 

Recite - Use your own words and recall 

Review - Review it in your blogs, and explain it to your friends 

If you done all of this now you are ready to write ✍️ a test

7. Use mnemonics 

As I told to divide the subject into facts and concepts. 
Use this technique to memorize the facts, for example to  memorize the colours of the rainbow we have learnt a acronym 

In this way we can memorize all the facts [ you can also your own acronyms ] 

A recap 

1. Break study sessions into small sessions
2. Create a study space 
3. Study actively 
4. Take active notes 
5. Teach or Summarize it to others
6. Use the SQ3R technique 
7. Use acronyms 

The bottom line 

I have told all these tips from the book Study less Study smart. If you found this post helpful share it with your friends, so they can also improve their learning. 

Thanks for reading !!!!! 


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